Letters of a Portguese Nun

Letters of a Portguese Nun

DCP/HD - 2014 - French - 85 min - color - drama

Letters of a Portguese Nun

Original title: Les Lettres Portugaises

A film by Bruno François-Boucher

An actress is about to play the part of Marianna Alcoforado, a young nun from the convent of BEJA who was writing fiery letters to her French lover, the officer Chamilly. The actress, being the perfect embodiement of Marianna, will drive us to a journey beyond time and imagination.

Original language: Français
Produced by: KAP FILMS (Arnaud Kerneguez)

Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival 2014, Egypt


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Bruno François-Boucher

Graduated from the French school for the performing arts called the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français, Bruno François-Boucher first started as André Téchiné, Patrice Leconte, Alain Corneau and Luc Besson’s assistant director. He then worked as director on several short-films, awarded in numerous festivals, among which Coup de pompes, Jeu de vilains, Fils de personne and Grain de folie, presented in official selection in Teheran. Letters of a Portguese Nun is his first feature film he co-directed with Jean-Paul Seaulieu.

Bruno François-Boucher

Letters of a Portguese Nun
Letters of a Portguese Nun
Letters of a Portguese Nun
Letters of a Portguese Nun