Jo’s Neighborhood

Jo’s Neighborhood

DCP / HD - 2013 - France - 92 min - Color - Drama

Jo’s Neighborhood

Original title: Un P'tit gars de Ménilmontant

A film by Alain Minier

After 15 years in prison, Jo returns to his former neighborhood - Menilmontant, a collection of high rise estates on the gritty outskirts of Paris. What used to be his patch, has completely changed; new gangs and new codes now rule this place. Jo finds it difficult to settle back into life on the outside, especially when he discovers that the woman he used to love is the mother of a 14 year old boy. Ultimately Jo must come to terms with his shady past and the endless settling of scores.

Original language: French
Produced by: Djinn Production, Bad Company

Chennai International Film Festival 2013 / Pune International Film Festival 2014

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Alain Minier

Alain Minier shot his first short film as a film maker, Le pain quotidien, in 1991 which was selected among others at the Sydney Film Festival. From his shorts, we can particularly mention L’erreur est humaine, which was selected at the Festival de Valencienne and at La nuit du court-métrage at the Festival de Cannes in 1998.
Aside from making movies, Alain has worked as a screenwriter on feature films such as Trop près du bord as well as television projects for TF1 and France 2 such as Cyrano de Menilmontant in 2002, La Justice de Marion, and the TV series Placé en garde à vue in 1994. He has also worked for several years as a comedian in cinema, television and theatre.
Jo's Neighborhood, 2012, is his first feature film as a filmmaker.

Alain Minier

Jo’s Neighborhood
Jo’s Neighborhood
Jo’s Neighborhood
Jo’s Neighborhood